5 Simple Tarot Spreads For Guidance, Love & More

simple tarot spreads

There are thousands of tarot spreads, but here are 5 simple tarot spreads that you can use for guidance, love, and more. These simple tarot spreads provide guidance and insight into a wide range of issues and questions. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a difficult decision, looking for general guidance, or hoping to find love, there’s a tarot spread that can help. Here are 5 simple tarot spreads to try for yourself:

Use This 2 Card Spread To Make a Decision

When faced with a decision, it can be helpful to consult the tarot. This 2 card spread is a quick and easy way to gain insight into your options and make an informed choice. Simply shuffle your deck and draw 2 cards. The first card represents option A, and the second card represents option B. Take a moment to reflect on each card and what it might mean for your decision. Trust your intuition and choose the option that feels right for you.

Do This 3 Card Spread for General Guidance

If you’re looking for general guidance on a particular issue or situation, this 3 card spread can help. Shuffle your deck and draw 3 cards. The first card represents the past, the second card represents the present, and the third card represents the future. Reflect on each card and what it might mean in the context of your situation. This spread can help you gain clarity and insight into your path forward.

Try Our 4 Card Spread for Your Love Life

If you’re looking for guidance on your love life, this 4 card spread can help. Shuffle your deck and draw 4 cards. The first card represents you, the second card represents your partner or potential partner, the third card represents the strengths of your relationship, and the fourth card represents any challenges or obstacles you may face. Reflect on each card and what it might mean for your love life. This spread can help you gain insight into your relationship dynamics and how to navigate any challenges.

5 Card Simple Tarot Spreads Helps Find a Lost Item

If you’ve misplaced something and can’t seem to find it, this 5 card spread can help. Shuffle your deck and draw 5 cards. The first card represents the location of the lost item, the second card represents what the item is, the third card represents why it went missing, the fourth card represents any obstacles to finding it, and the fifth card represents how to find it. Reflect on each card and what it might mean in the context of your lost item. This spread can help you narrow down your search and find what you’re looking for.

Instead of Simple Tarot Spreads, Get An Expert Reading from Tarot Support

If you’re new to tarot or would like more in-depth guidance, consider getting an expert reading from Tarot Support. Our team of experienced tarot readers can provide personalized insights and guidance to help you navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. Contact us today to schedule your reading.

In conclusion, tarot can be a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance in a wide range of situations. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a decision, looking for general guidance, or hoping to find love, there’s a tarot spread that can help. Try these 5 simple tarot spreads for yourself, and see what insights and guidance they can provide.


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